Welcome to the AAHGS Charlotte Chapter!
The Charlotte Chapter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc. (AAHGS), provides a bi-monthly local forum for family-tree researchers to share historical and genealogical information, methodology and resources about African Americans. Though most of us reside in North Carolina, we have interests that span the entire United States as well as other countries and nations.
This enthusiastic community of people work together to provide an atmosphere of support, assistance and guidance to anyone with a desire to find and share their own family history.
Our bi-monthly meetings are an opportunity to share in each other's triumphs and help break down our brick walls, as well as learn of resources and tricks from inspiring visiting speakers.
We look forward to you having you join us!

"I didn’t just happen”
The words at the center of our logo were coined by member Jean Frye in our early days and became our motto. It denotes the genealogical interest and connections between those of us here in Charlotte and the entire African Diaspora.
- Bi-Monthly meetings that offer opportunities to meet other researchers and share research strategies, problems and successes unique to African American family tree searches
- Community workshops to meet the needs and interests of our members and the community
- Workshops and access to conferences that meet the needs and interests of chapter members
- Friendly interactions between family history researchers and genealogists of all levels of experience, from beginners to published authors & experts
- See more on our How to Join page.
Meeting Information During COVID-19
This is to advise members and guests that all meetings of this chapter will be held VIRTUALLY, courtesy of ZOOM, at least through the end of 2022.
Members will receive an email with the Zoom link.
Non-members are welcome and should send an email to us at:
info@aahgscharlotte.org to request the link. We will continue to work hard to provide you with interesting and educational topics.
Please see our Events Calendar to the right for further information about our upcoming events.
“I sit in a Jim Crow car, but my mind keeps company with the kings and queens I have known. External constraints must not be allowed to segregate mind or soul.”
Charlotte Hawkins Brown
(Our Cover Picture at bottom left - read more under the History page)
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 621032
Charlotte, NC 28262
Phone: (980)505-7292
Email: info@aahgscharlotte.org
Please report any broken links, errors, or problems using our site to webmaster@aahgscharlotte.org